Ion Țiriac și Ilie Năstase, spectatori la Transilvania Open
Ion Țiriac și Ilie Năstase, legendele tenisului românesc, au urmărit
alături de Ioan Rus și
The post Ion Țiriac și Ilie Năstase, spectatori la Transilvan...
in editia internationala a Newsweek
Alternate Universe Second Life is emerging as a powerful new medium for social interactions of all sorts, from romance to making money. It may be the Internet's next big thing.
The multinational companies are using Second Life in a different way: some are holding staff meetings where avatars representing employees can discuss ideas via instant message, e-mail or Skype, in a souped-up virtual office.
Others are using it to connect to customers. For instance, IBM is working with clients like Sears and Circuit City to enhance the shopping experience: adviser avatars can walk customers through models of, say, televisions, and actually show them how the product might fit in the living room. articolul intreg aici