Ion Țiriac și Ilie Năstase, spectatori la Transilvania Open
Ion Țiriac și Ilie Năstase, legendele tenisului românesc, au urmărit
alături de Ioan Rus și
The post Ion Țiriac și Ilie Năstase, spectatori la Transilvan...
Culorile spun cine esti !
Intampin noul an cu muulta culoare, ceea ce pe aici se manifesta printr-un test al culorilor si desigur rezultatul meu. Am facut si primul test, al personalitatii - insa rezultatul acestuia mi s-a parut mult mai apropiat de ceea ce este in realitate. Nice! Mai vreau teste. Today : Today, you have learned how to rely on your natural sensitivity and good emotional intelligence. You are capable of tenderness and can open up to others. This sensitivity expresses itself fully within your spiritual/artistic dimension as well as within your sense of values. Tomorrow : You are entering an active phase, your actions shall bring satisfaction your way and you shall move forward with a sense of contact and some motivation. You shall also prove to be more enticing and communicative. Your strongest point today : Your main qualities are: your intuition, your sense of creativity and your natural gift to find the beautiful. You are able to find more creative and richer solutions than most people. You are currently driven by your determination to built, your capability to lead people and change things, as well by your deep introspection and the depth of your reflections. You can also rely on your creativity, intuition and imagination, as well as your emotional intelligence, your transparency and your ability to help and support each one. Your best quality as of today is :Your creativity and/or your spirituality. Today, your creativity seems to be among the highest 6%. Your creativity is one of your main qualities, as well as you are intuitive and open to the subtle world. Your creativity is currently being supported by your determination to built, your capability to lead people and change things, and also by your deep introspection and the depth of your reflections, by your uncertainty and sensitivity in your analysis of situations. Your second best quality as of today is :Your emotional intelligence. Today, your emotional readiness seems to be above normal. You are capable of demonstrating great qualities for listening and supporting others, as well as you demonstrate great sensibility and know how to take into account the emotions generated by your actions. Your emotional intelligence is mainly driven by the great ability to understanding things which characterizes you. Par contre, votre sensibilité et votre écoute de chacun pourrait être tempérée par la possible expression de vos ambitions. A suggestion : Take the time to think and don’t move too fast without having considered the pros and cons. Take care of the structure and organization of your activities and build this organization slowly, rock by rock, so that it becomes a sturdy environment. Favor the stability of your emotional relations as well. P.S.
La naiba! Tre’ sa invat franceza…